Friday, August 19, 2011

I Will Die Single.

I am so full of myself and nobody will be able to stand me. I have more insecurities than the number of stars on a starry starry night. I hug so tight it suffocates the other person. I eat so much and I complain that I am fat even if people say that I am not. I am overly dramatic but not as overly annoying. I don't know how to treat other people. I'm too sensitive of my needs but insensitive of what other people need. I am such a crybaby and I always use my tears to get away with everything. I am impossible to put up with. IMPOSSIBLE.

I don't think anyone can get me. EVER. No one will take that big risk of spending their life with me. Maybe some feeling "knight in shinning armor" guy will think that he can handle me but after sometime he'll give up. They always do. Because I am just too much of a work. I need a constant reminder that I am loved, preferably every 30 mins. Can you imagine? Every 30 freakin' minutes! I need my own space but I wouldn't give him his. I have trust issues and I think every guy is going to cheat on me. I spend most of my time complaining about other people and all that negative crap. I watch romantic movies and I am expecting every guy that I date to beat the story of Titanic. I am impossible to put up with. IMPOSSIBLE.

I am not a good partner. As a matter of fact, I'm not even a good human being. So yes, I will die single. And I so deserve it.

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